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Bright white teeth in a short time and a safe manner

Discoloration of the teeth can have several causes:


    Food (coffee, medication, tobacco, alcohol, ...)




    A dead or removed dental nerve




Several treatments are possible depending on the exact cause of the tooth discoloration.

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The Smile Clinic Bleaching Procedure


First, a thorough oral examination is performed by the dentist. If your mouth and teeth are in a good, healthy condition, treatment can start. In practice, impressions are taken from both jaws, from which two personalized whitening braces are made. When the braces are ready (approx. 1 week later) you will come for a short appointment to fit them. At the same time, you will receive an explanation from the dentist about the use of the bleaching material. With this simple treatment, your teeth will be significantly whiter after two or three weeks. Since the treatment is not harmful to the teeth, it can be repeated several times. To keep the result optimal, we advise to repeat the treatment occasionally. 


You can apply the whitening gel in the whitening braces via a syringe. We use peroxide-based products for teeth whitening. By means of a chemical reaction, peroxide extracts the discolorations from your teeth. To allow the peroxide to work, the braces must be worn at night or during the day, for at least one hour. The duration of the treatment depends on the amount of bleaching you need. Since teeth become more yellow with age a repeat treatment will be needed in the future. Note: We can only bleach natural teeth, the product has no effect on existing fillings/crowns! Staining due to smoking, coffee and tea drinking etc. can be treated with a simple tooth cleaning at the clinic and does not require bleaching.



Due to the reaction of peroxide with the teeth, some teeth may be more sensitive to cold and heat stimuli for several days. This will pass by itself. Bleaching is not harmful to the teeth.




During the period of teeth whitening at home, you should be careful with the consumption of certain foods. Peroxide ensures that your teeth temporarily absorb dyes more easily. For example: coffee/tea, red wine, smoking, eating colored food such as tomato soup, fruit, chocolate, etc. We recommend eating in advance. The best and fastest result is achieved (and maintained) when no eating/drinking/smoking takes place after bleaching for 2-3 hours, with the exception of still water or milk.

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